Course Catalog

Undergraduate Courses

Code Course Name ECTS Type
MIS 101 Introduction to Algorithms and Programming 5 Must
MIS 102 Computer Programming 5 Must
MIS 103 Introduction to Information Systems 3 Must
MIS 104 Communication in Digital Era 5 Must
MIS 105 Basic Information Technology 2 Must
MIS 106 E-Business 5 Must
MIS 201 Data Structures and Algorithms 6 Must
MIS 202 Information Systems Analysis 6 Must
MIS 203 Operations Research I 6 Must
MIS 204 Operations Research II 6 Must
MIS 206 Computer Networks and Cyber Security 5 Must
MIS 210 Object-Oriented Programming 5 Must
MIS 222 Information Law and Ethics 4 Elective
MIS 226 Social Media In Business 4 Elective
MIS 303 Operations Management 7 Must
MIS 304 Database Management Systems 7 Must
MIS 305 Information Systems Design 7 Must
MIS 306 Information Systems Project Management 7 Must
MIS 321 Knowledge and Technology Management 6 Elective
MIS 323 User Interface Design 6 Elective
MIS 324 Applied Operations Research 6 Elective
MIS 326 Applied Operations Research 6 Elective
MIS 401 Business Intelligence and Analytcis 6 Must
MIS 403 Enterprise Information Systems 6 Elective
MIS 405 Graduation Project I 6 Must
MIS 406 Graduation Project II 12 Must
MIS 410 Thesis for Bachelors Program 12 Must
MIS 416 Vocational Business Training 18 Must
MIS 420 Internship 6 Must
MIS 422 Artificial Intelligence and its Applications 6 Elective
MIS 423 IS for Society 6 Elective
MIS 424 Supply Chain Management 6 Elective
MIS 425 Mobile Programming 6 Elective
MIS 426 Special Topics and Trends in MIS 6 Elective
MIS 427 Data-Oriented Programming 6 Elective

Management Information Systems Master's Courses

Code Course Name ECTS Type
MIS 501 Scientific Research Methods and Ethics 6 Must
MIS 502 Advance Topics in System Analysis and Design 6 Must
MIS 503 Contemporary Readings in MIS 6 Must
MIS 504 Business Analytics and Decision Models 6 Must
MIS 505 Cases in MIS 6 Elective
MIS 506 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 6 Elective
MIS 507 Digital Transformation and the 3rd Platform 6 Elective
MIS 508 Health Information Systems 6 Elective
MIS 509 Applied Data Mining 6 Elective
MIS 510 Big Data Modelling and Management 6 Elective
MIS 511 Software Development 6 Elective
MIS 512 Human Computer Interaction 6 Elective
MIS 513 Statistical Methods for Data Science 6 Elective
MIS 514 Readings in Enterprise Systems 6 Elective
MIS 515 Seminar 10 Must
MIS 801 Specialization Field Course 1 6 Must
MIS 802 Specialization Field Course 2 6 Must
MIS 803 Specialization Field Course 3 6 Must
MIS 804 Specialization Field Course 4 6 Must
MIS 807 Thesis 1 6 Must
MIS 808 Thesis 2 6 Must
MIS 809 Thesis 3 6 Must
MIS 810 Thesis 4 6 Must

İş Zekası ve Veri Analitiği Yüksek Lisans Dersleri

Code Course Name ECTS Type
IZV 501 Veri Modelleme ve İş Zekası 6 Zorunlu
IZV 502 İş Simülasyonu 6 Zorunlu
IZV 503 İş İstatistiği ve Analitiği 6 Zorunlu
IZV 504 Uygulamalı Karar Modelleri 6 Zorunlu
IZV 511 Dijital Dönüşüm ve İş Zekası Değeri 6 Seçmeli
IZV 512 İş Zekası Proje Yönetimi 6 Seçmeli
IZV 513 Veri Odaklı Programlama 6 Seçmeli
IZV 514 Yapay Zekâ Uygulamaları 6 Seçmeli
IZV 515 Veri Görselleştirme ve İş Raporlama 6 Seçmeli
IZV 516 Büyük Veri Teknolojileri ve Yönetimi 6 Seçmeli
IZV 517 Çok Kriterli Karar Modelleri 6 Seçmeli
IZV 518 Süreç Madenciliği 6 Seçmeli
IZV 521 Muhasebe ve Finans Analitik Uygulamaları 6 Seçmeli
IZV 522 Pazarlama ve Müşteri Analitiği 6 Seçmeli
IZV 523 Bilgi Çıkarımı ve Metin Madenciliği 6 Seçmeli
IZV 524 Web ve Sosyal Medya Analitiği 6 Seçmeli
IZV 525 Uygulamalı Öngörü Teknikleri 6 Seçmeli
IZV 526 Tahmine Dayalı Analitik ve Makine Öğrenmesi 6 Seçmeli
IZV592 Bitirme Projesi Çalışması 30 Zorunlu

Management Information Systems Doctorate Courses

Code Course Name ECTS Type
MIS 601 Information Systems Research Methodologies 6 Must
MIS 602 Readings in Decision Science and Analytics 6 Must
MIS 603 Advanced Data Modelling and Management 6 Must
MIS 604 Information Systems Theories 6 Must
MIS 605 Social Media Analytics 6 Must
MIS 606 Advanced Machine Learning 6 Elective
MIS 607 Simulation Modelling and Visual Analytics 6 Elective
MIS 608 Medical and Health Analytics 6 Elective
MIS 609 Customer and Marketing Analytics 6 Elective
MIS 610 Advanced Topics in Big Data 6 Elective
MIS 611 Business Process Mining 6 Elective
MIS 612 Neuro and Cognitive Science 6 Elective
MIS 614 Soft Computing Applications in Business 6 Elective
MIS 901 Specialization Field Course 1 6 Must
MIS 902 Specialization Field Course 2 6 Must
MIS 903 Specialization Field Course 3 6 Must
MIS 904 Specialization Field Course 4 6 Must
MIS 901 Specialization Field Course 5 6 Must
MIS 902 Specialization Field Course 6 6 Must
MIS 903 Specialization Field Course 7 6 Must
MIS 904 Specialization Field Course 8 6 Must
MIS 909 Seminar 6 Must
MIS 910 Thesis 24 Must
MIS 911 Thesis 24 Must
MIS 912 Thesis 24 Must
MIS 913 Thesis 24 Must
MIS 6xx Information Retrieval and Text Mining 6 Unknown